Classical music
for accordion

RESCRIBENS, roads of rediscovery
In art, nothing great is accomplished without enthusiasm.
(R. Schumann, Rules of musical life)
The accordion was born too late to gain the attention of the greatest composers of the past. It has to face the contemporary era without an old and gradual repertoire which is needed to absorb and pass down the cultural background of any society. However, a well structured music taste definitely needs a long length of time. Thanks to the passing of centuries, it is shaped by different composers, genres and historical events and it is unceasingly fed by the pursuit of Beauty. Well, the accordion lacks a repertoire of the past but its richness of sound devices prevents it from waiving the joy of performing it.
Several years of study and research have enabled me to know my instrument deeper and deeper. I’ve fallen in love with it. Yet, I could not avoid feeling envy looking at the abundance of repertoire the other instruments enjoy. The art of transcription, the art of informed transcription, is the creative answer the accordion is waiting for. RESCRIBENS is a manifesto of curiosity and humility. It is the desire to re-discover the old and new repertoire through a freshly renewed voice: the sparkling and warm voice of accordion.

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Rescribens scores are suitable for all levels of preparation: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Sergio Scappini
Head of the first Italian chair of accordion at the “Gioachino Rossini” Conservatory in Pesaro, Sergio Scappini is currently holder of the accordion department at “Giuseppe Verdi” Conservatory in Milan. Besides the accordion, his course of study includes piano and music composition with E. Spantaconi, A. Porrini and B. Bettinelli. He carries out an intense concert activity as soloist as well as member of prestigious chamber ensembles and orchestras. He was the ambassador of the first Roland digital accordion, which was a worldwide innovation. He has also been the musical supervisor of “Bugarievo” and is currently head of the music department of “Proxima” with the mission of spreading the knowledge of digital accordion.
Finally, he is the role holder of stage accordionist at “Teatro alla Scala” in Milan, as winner of the related competition.

Stefano Arato
Born in 1993, Stefano Arato is a young accordionist and music teacher. He got a Master degree with Honors in Accordion at “Giuseppe Verdi” Conservatory in Milan where he studied under the guidance of M° S.Scappini. During his course of study he chose to deepen the art of transcription which has inspired him to create Rescribens as a practical contribution to the accordion classical repertoire: he aims to revive some of the greatest composers of the past through new and unusual sonorities.